
Saturday, February 20, 2010


~~I watched tv3 (bulletin utama) jz now…everyone talked about this hot & dry season…the temperature almost 37 degree Celsius in certain place in Malaysia…everyone worries about this…

My frens in Parit Buntar n Melaka also told me that they suffer the same situation…hot…hot...hot…can’t sleep at nite and whatever… almost everywhere in Malaysia becomes hot and hotter…

According to the tv, it said that the increase of temperature in the pacific ocean make the land become hot…beside, it also caused by the global warming, deforestation, open burning and many more that can contribute to the higher temperature. In Alor Setar, of course the Negeri Jelapang Padi, the farmer still burn the jerami after harvesting the paddy. Why??? They have been mentioned before, not to burn the jerami… (Luckily the house was not on fire…)

So, this situation happens because of what??
We create the problem and we, ourselves have to face it…
It’s our fault for making this land hotter and hotter…

By the way… plezzzzz drink lots of water in this dry season…ok!!!!


  1. salam,

    chuping paling panas kan. suhu di sana paling tinggi 36 kalau tak silap.

    parit buntar agak panas. sebab umah aku kat sana.hehe..;)

    btw, salam ziarah.

  2. wasalam...salam ziarah..thanks for your comment..yup,suhu paling panas setakat ini iaitu 36.6 darjah Celcius di Chuping, Perlis..

  3. laa...jiha ka...hehe..thnkz ea bg komen...
    blog ni aku kongsi ng kwn..ni sbahagian drpd asgnment kami rr...hmm...

    tu r...mkin pns rr...smua kwn2 dok kata kt tmpt depa pns...huu...

    byk org demam la..xsihat...air kt empangan pn dh makin kering n ada yg dh kering pn...

    jimat2 la air...huhuhu...

    thnkz jiha!!!=)

  4. Fenomena panas yang dialami kini juga adalah akibat daripada fenomena El Nino yang bermula sejak Jun tahun lalu dan kini ia berada di fasa puncak dan mula menurun yang diramal berakhir April nanti. Fenomena El Nino kali ini boleh dikatakan dalam kategori lemah atau sederhana.
